
Style #: JP9316 Journey
Acetate Frame & Temple, Spring Hinge
Size: 52 16 - 140 (32mm) Unisex
PREMIUM Prescription Quality Bifocal Glasses for Computer and Text Reading
PREMIUM Lens Filters with EMI / AR / HMC - 14 layers of coatings ($70 value!): Anti-Radiation, Anti-Static, Anti-Glare, Anti-Reflective, 100% UV protection, Oleophobic
MAXIMUM protection! ALL INCLUDED in every Posture Perfect Readers!
Case and cleaning cloth included.
Available Color: Brown
Available Reading Powers: +.50*, +1.00, +1.50, +2.00, +2.50, +3.00, +3.50. *Note: +.50 power is for computer reading only, not a bifocal.
Ordering is easy, simply choose your reading power, your computer viewing power (mid-range) is automatically calculated by our
exclusive Two Power In One System.
Price: $99 retail - INTRODUCTORY PRICE SPECIAL - only $69. (SAVE $30.)
Warning: Ready-to-wear, non-prescription glasses are not intended to replace prescribed corrective lenses or examinations by an
eyecare professional. Regular eye check-ups by a qualified professional are necessary to determine your eye health status and vision needs.
Do not use Posture Perfect Readers for driving. PPE Readers are not substitute for professional eye care. Use PPE Readers only for the functional intended.
Synergy/Posture Perfect Eyewear is not responsible for misuse of products. In states of RI, NY, MN sales of over the counter bifocals are not allowed.