... Targeting the frozen shoulder area, provides progressive exercises to help improve pain-free range of motion and proper biomechanics to the shoulder as efficiently and safely as possible, enabling one to enjoy overhead activities at day to day work and play. The shoulder is the most free moving joint in the human body, Synergy Frozen Shoulder area Exercise helps promote a healthy shoulder.
Sugg. Retail: $129.95 / Online Price: $99.95
Quantity Pricing Available - Buy more, Save more!
Each Kit includes:
Synergy Frozen Shoulder area
Exercise Tracking Chart
... Includes a Practitioner’s Protocol Check-Off List and a Progress Tracking Chart specific to Frozen Shoulder area exercises.
Synergy Frozen Shoulder Area Exercise DVD
... Three progressive 15 minute routines (totaling 45 minutes, loaded with educational & motivational support). Assisted & active stretches to gain pain-free range of motion and progressive strengthening exercises specifically for frozen shoulder area, helping to reduce shoulder pain, improve full range of motion, function and proper biomechanics.
Synergy Frozen Shoulder Area
Exercise Wall Chart
... Oversized colorful wall chart offers a three progressive exercise phases, including: assisted and targeted stretches, and scapular & shoulder progressive strengthening exercises.

Synergy ROM Pulley and Variable Exercise Devices
... Both provide excellent function and comfort with ultra dense cushion. ROM Pulley assists in increasing shoulder range of motion. Synergy Variable designs to isolate hard to reach areas, improving biomechanics, pain-free motion and function to the shoulder area. Variable Device availabel in: *Light, Medium, or Heavy resistances (*most common).
OP TIONAL ITEM: Add Synergy EasyAdjust™ Home Station to create a complete home gym. Allows for changing
from exercise to exercise quickly & easily for maximum strengthening & cardio benefits! Now, MAXIMIZE YOUR CIRCUIT TRAINING! adjust mounting height quickly & easily without opening or closing doors.
15% Discount with any kit order!
Use Coupon Code: EasyKit