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Product Information

Osteoporosis, Strength Training Kit

Product Code: PAT-OS #87015




Focus on weight bearing exercises for enhanced kinesthetic sense, postural alignment, combating deterioration of bones, building balance & muscle mass.


Why Strength Train? 

Skeletal deteriorating disease often slows us down even more.  Inactivity is common ground for most osteoporosis victims, fueled by the fear of  falling and pain associated with moving.  Osteoporosis also has a way of stripping us of our balance, leaving the affected vulnerable and defenseless against any impact.  Unfortunately, moving less only progresses the disease and diminishes quality of life.

Synergy's progressive exercise program focuses on strength building, helping in slowing down bone loss, while improving balance, strength, restoring kinesthetic sense and posture. 

A must fitness, strength training program for all ages.


Synergy Osteoporosis  Exercise Kit


Synergy Osteoporosis Exercise DVD            

... Three progressive routines in actual time, allowing one to exercise right along with the program, loaded with educational& motivational support. Assisted & active stretches to gain pain free range of motion and progressive strengthening exercises specifically for improving overall health & fitness, building muscle, balance, and reaction time.

Synergy Osteoporosis Tracking Chart

... Includes a Practitioner’s Protocol Check-Off List and a Progress Tracking Chart specific for Osteoporosis exercise.

Synergy Osteoporosis Exercise Wall Chart      

...  Oversized 18" x 24" colorful wall chart offers stretches, gentle strengthening exercises, and isotonic exercises with the Synergy Total Body Device.


Synergy Total Body Trainer

... Features thick cushioned handles & harness for easy adjustment from one exercise to another for the total body. Provides excellent function and comfort with its ultra dense cushions. Designed to easily address closed chain resistance training, for improved muscle tone, better balance, agility. Easily & efficiently exercise the entire body .  Available in Light, *Medium (Female), *Heavy (Male), XHeavy or XXHeavy (*most common).

Available in two styles: 

  • with Cushion Harness for comfort around the waist, knee
  • with Strap Harness for easy handling in group setting, easy to switch between exercises     


Sugg. Retail:  $99.95 / Online Price:  $79.95

Quantity Pricing Available - Buy more, Save more!

£52.75 £47.47
Quantity Price per unit
2+ £34.28
6+ £31.64


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