"Best range of motion pulley device on the market. Makes ALL other pulley and stretch rope products obsolete!"
Synergy R.O.M. Device - Complete "Body Relax" Pulley System
... Now increase R.O.M. more effectively than ever. Proper stretching can help relieve muscle spasms and scapular adhesion while reducing Upper Traps/Levator Scapular involvement with the comfortable grip free design. Hard-wearing and long lasting, Synergy Complete "Body Relax" Pulley System doesn't stop with the shoulder, receive maximum stretch benefits for the entire body.
Ideal for:
Total Body Stretch from... Frozen Shoulder (Increase Gleno Humeral ROM ) to... Tight Hamstrings
Lower body
"Receive the most effective dynamic hamstring stretch ever!"
"Comfortable, safe, the most effective tool to stretch the entire body!"

Upper body
Relax the hand... 
... release the shoulder
Scapula stabilized
There should be a conscious effort to relax the muscles being stretched. Maximum muscle relaxation promotes flexibility in a stretching program. "Without removing tension from the desired stretch target, the stretch effort is essentially worthless." 1,2,3
REFERENCES: 1 - Harrigan-Robinson, The 7 Minute Rotator Cuff Solution: A Complete Program to Prevent and Rehabilitate Rotator Cuff Injuries; 2 - Muscles Testing and Function fourth Edition, Williams & Wilkins, Kendall 1993; 3 - Therapeutic Exercise Foundations and Techniques Third Edition, 1996
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